This week marks Mental Health Awareness Week and The West Ham Way wants to send a message to the Hammers fans on the importance of the issue.
It’s a subject many struggle to talk about openly with family, friends, colleagues etc, as there is still a significantly stigma attached where we may find it hard or even embarrassed to be honest about how we are feeling and the difficulties we may be experiencing.
We encourage all fans to really give this subject some thought and look at ways to not only being more open with others, but also looking out for our loved ones more – even just asking somewhere how they are really doing can make a huge impact.
Our Podcast hosts Dave Walker and ExWHUEmployee have given their thoughts on the importance surrounding mental health, and how us West Ham fans can look out for our fellow supporters, family members and friends in our lives.
“Your wealth is your health, whether that’s physical or mental,” said Walker. “So many people suffer alone because life is hard. The most important thing is to talk to someone, use the people around you and if you don’t have anyone around you then talk to a stranger or trained professional.
“A problem shared is a problem halved. However bad things seem there is always help available and certain things people can do to improve their mindset. Don’t ever give up on yourself.”
Ex added to Dave’s message to fans, drawing from his own experiences of suffering with poor mental health and reiterating the importance of talking to eachother.
“Mental health and the importance of talking about it and supporting others with it is something very close to my heart,” stated Ex. “For too long generations have not felt comfortable talking and I believe this only adds to the problems. I am a firm believer in the phrase a problem shared is a problem halved and would encourage anyone who is going through a tough time to speak out.
“I’ve had periods in my life where things have been tough, but I just bottled them up. Now though I feel I have a trusted network, I can talk to and I don’t suffer like before. I am sure if there is anyway members of The West Ham Way team could help too, we would happily be there for someone so please do reach out and do not suffer alone.”
In light of Ex’s message, we encourage anyone who needs to talk to feel free to come and speak to us. Drop an email any time and we will be in touch.
Take care of yourselves and COYI.