West Ham have disappointingly  remained top of the table in terms of football-related arrests.

Given the size and the history of West Ham United, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that our fans aren’t always on their best behaviour at matches.

Over the course of the 2022/23 season, 89 of our fans were arrested for various football-related offences. This news comes just days after it was announced that four Hammers fans were banned for life following trouble in the Netherlands during our visit to AZ Alkmaar.

27 of the arrests were for public disorder, 23 for throwing missiles and 10 were hate crimes. While everyone gets frustrated (especially when watching West Ham) the offences are completely unacceptable and particularly the hate crimes really do bring shame on the club.

Unfortunately, football related crimes are on the rise and have reached their highest since the 2013/14 season. It’s a shame that some people let their emotions get the better of them, football should be about bringing people together and enjoying the moment rather than doing something that leads to your arrest.

Overall, fans will make jokes but it should be something we take very seriously for a number of reasons. Firstly, it has already led us to being banned from our first Europa league away game this season due to the ignorant actions of a few people. Secondly, no one wants to see one of their own being arrested or banned from football. Again, this club is family and it’s important that we look out for one another, that includes trying to help people along the right path to better represent this beautiful club.

By Charlie Bass