West Ham midfielder Lucas Paqueta is assisting authorities in the investigation into suspected betting irregularities, it has been reported.

The Hammers star saw an probe into the allegations launched in the summer, with the authorities alerted to suspicious bets being made from new Betway accounts from Brazil, relating to player bookings during matches, which included the Brazilian international.

Paqueta is understood to deny any wrongdoing, with the investigation now taking its next stage, with it reported that the Brazil football authorities becoming frustrated at the pace of the process.

It has now been reported in the Daily Mail that Paqueta has agreed to hand his phone over to the investigators as he bids to prove his innocence.

“Lucas Paqueta has permitted the Football Association access to his phone as part of their ongoing investigation into whether he breached strict betting breaches,” it states in the article.

“The development arrives amid growing frustration in Brazil at the length of time the FA’s probe is taking after the nation’s football federation voluntarily decided to withdraw their playmaker from selection for the national team owing to the accusations.”

“The FA have access to messages and phone activity which will be used to compile their case as they decide whether to charge the South American with breaking betting rules.”

It is hoped by all parties, including West Ham, that the matter is resolved soon so to regain full focus on football.