West Ham’s latest defeat is undoubtedly raising serious concerns in east London, with David Moyes once again in the spotlight.

Our Hammers fell to 1-0 defeat to Everton at the London Stadium after a lacklustre display, which cemented a terrible week for the club which saw 3 consecutive defeats for Moyes’ side.

The poor run after the international break is understandably raising alarm bells for this season ahead, after what had been such a promising start to the campaign, with goals free-flowing, suddenly to a team bereft of confidence going forward.

Following the loss to Everton on Sunday, The West Ham Way Podcast hosts Dave Walker and ExWHUEmployee were quite rightly frustrated and concerned over the sudden drop in performance levels and subsequently results.

“What a difference a week makes!” exclaimed Walker after the loss to the Toffees. “We’ve gone from being positive and excited about this club to genuinely feeling a bit concerned

“It was another poor performance against a side with half the quality we have. Questions need to start being asked….”

ExWHUEmployee shared Walkers thoughts, but also feels that the club are once again paying the price for not signing a striker in the summer.

“It was another poor and worrying performance from the team today,” stated Ex. “We seem to have limited options up front and seem to struggle to create changes.

“The decision, yet again, not to sign a forward in the window is currently backfiring on us again as we have no plan b and cannot replace Antonio who looks knackered and off form. A win against Arsenal would be huge and get our season back on track.”