David Moyes could look to bring in a controversial Manchester United player this January, but his wages could be a big issue to West Ham, reports have stated.

A Manchester United winger with an apparent bad attitude, but obvious skill, who has been shunned out of the squad being linked with a loan move to West Ham – sounds familiar.

After the success that Jesse Lingard had in Claret and Blue, it is completely understandable that David Moyes would look to bring in someone who could have the same sort of impact in January. 

It can not be understated the hype that Jason Sancho had. He was a star player for Borussia Dortmund and looked like he could be the best out of all of England’s young talents. Unfortunately, since moving to Manchester United, things have gone downhill for him and a falling out with manager Erik Ten Hag has seen him removed from the first team altogether. He desperately needs a move away from Old Trafford to reignite his career before it is too late.

Moyes has developed a habit of getting players who are on a downward spiral back on the right track. Lingard and Dawson are two excellent examples of this – both were unbelievable for the Hammers. Given his limited budget, it would make sense to take a risk on someone like Sancho through a loan.

Unfortunately, things do not seem to be that simple as The Daily Mail reports his massive wages could be a huge issue. His current £250,000 a week deal is not something that West Ham would be able to cover, even half of that would be a struggle. 

With his old club Dortmund apparently wanting to sign him back, it seems unlikely at this stage anything is to come of this but never say never. There is an outside chance that we are able to get him on loan with his parent club covering the majority of his wages.

At just 23 years old, there is plenty of time for him to not only find form, but fulfil the ridiculously high potential he has. It will take a lot of dedication and hard work from him to get there, but if anyone can get the best out of him again it would be David Moyes.

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