In a shock twist, West Ham could be about to let another player leave on loan despite their desperate need for transfer funds.

In the build up to the transfer window, it was made extremely clear that fringe players can and will be sold in order to raise funds, so when Thilo Kehrer went on loan to Monaco eyebrows were raised as there was only an option to buy not an obligation. It seemed a bit strange as it left the squad weaker and the club not much better off financially.

However, it looks like the Hammers could be set to do the same again with a player they hoped to get between £20 million and £25 million for – Said Benrahma.

The Algerian has had a lacklustre season at best, only having 2 goal involvements across all competitions. Unfortunately, he has not been the player that West Ham had expected. He struggled to adapt to the Premier League, lost the flair that made him so special and appears to lack confidence. Despite him being one of their most valuable fringe players, Jack Rosser has reported that the East London side are willing to let him go out on loan as long as there is an obligation to buy in the Summer. 

Marseille reportedly had a loan offer rejected for him over the past couple of days, but they look set to come back in for him. Assuming there is an acceptable fee agreed, it is believed that we could have seen the last of Benrahma in claret and blue.

“West Ham willing to let Benrahma leave on loan with an obligation to make it permanent and another bid from Marseille is expected,” Rosser posted on X.

Unfortunately, the winger’s final action at the club was most likely his red card against Bristol City. In a way, it sums up his time at the London Stadium quite well – frustrating. He could have been the next big star at West Ham but, for whatever reason, it just never worked out. If he does leave on loan, hopefully it generates some sort of funds that can be used on an attacker this month.