A potential Moyes replacement could be extremely interested in a move to West Ham, but one of the biggest clubs in the world are said to be after him.

Despite their abhorrent form, David Moyes is still in charge at West Ham and although the pressure is increasing after every game, he is being given the opportunity to turn things around. 

Given that the Hammers are still without a win in 2024, it is no surprise that they are drawing up a shortlist of potential successors in case things do not get better. Obviously there will be a number of managers linked with the job, but perhaps one of the most interesting is Thomas Tuchel.

Bayern Munich have announced that the German will be leaving the club at the end of the season after falling behind in the title race. However, his previous achievements speak for themself and many West Ham fans are excited at the prospect of having the Champions League winner in charge of their club. According to The Express, the board also shares the same opinion and that he would be their “dream manager.”

It is believed that Tuchel is keen on moving back to the Premier League with Newcastle and Manchester United also being interested if they sack Howe and Ten Hag respectively. Unfortunately, the biggest competition for his signature is much more formidable. Barcelona have also announced that their manager, Xavi, will depart at the end of this campaign and they are apparently very keen on signing him, Florian Plettenberg reports.

If this is the case, it could make convincing Tuchel incredibly difficult, but there are so many “ifs” before we even get to that point. The most important one is if the Irons will even sack Moyes. David Sullivan is known to be a massive fan of the Scotsman and will be presumably looking for any reason to keep him on.

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